Jump to a Specific panel: Siemens BMS/CCS 1151 Siemens BMS/CCS 1300 Rockwell CMS 5500
aeSolutions' Custom Fabricated Panels
Cost-effective, safe solution for integrated Burner Management Systems (BMS) and Combustion Control Systems (CCS) uses
Panel Fabrication Shop
1200 Woodruff Road, A-21
Greenville, SC 29607
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Developed around the Siemens SIMATIC ET200S IM151 Safety PLC, the 1151-Series Combustion Management Solution offers a cost-effective, safe solution for integrated Burner Management Systems (BMS) and Combustion Control Systems (CCS) uses.
With pre-configured software and a simple touchscreen HMI, the system is easy to install and to use. Our clients enjoy a number of benefits from this totally integrated solution.
Siemens BMS/CCS 1151
BMS is designed to meet FM 7605, IEC 61508, ISA/IEC 61511, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01, NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556 and/or API 14C requirements for single-burner, dual-fuel combustion safeguard applications
BMS is capable of meeting SIS requirements up to SIL 3
Advanced CCS firing logic is easily configured to implement a variety of fuel-saving optimization techniques that will reduce the cost of ownership while helping protect the safety of employees and the environment
Interface capability to a wide variety of field sensors, analyzers, and valves
Communication between combustion control systems or DCS via hardwired I/O, Profibus, Ethernet, or Modbus
Designed to facilitate system functional testing
HMI includes graphical display of unit operations including alarming, tuning, and diagnostic displays
Master Fuel Trip (MFT) hand switch mounted on cabinet front with remote MFT option
Touchscreen 10-inch HMI with automated local light-off (optional from a remote location)
Preconfigured software, including customization for each application requirement
Optional System Features
Analog or discrete process instrumentation
Free-standing or wall-mount cabinets
Distributed I/O
Classified area enclosure designs
Local & remote alarm monitoring
Fuel control valves
Air damper controls
Interfaces with remote I/O, VF drives, and motor controls using Profibus
OPC server
System Specifications
CCS 1151
Processor: Siemens ET200S IM151-8 processors
I/O: Siemens 131 DI
Siemens 132 DO
Siemens 134 AI
Siemens 135 AO
BMS 1151
Processor: Siemens ET200S IM151-8F processors
I/O: Siemens 138-4FA DI
Siemens 138-4FB DO
HMI: Siemens MP277 10” touchpad and/or Siemens distributed HMI solution. Larger screens available.
Power Requirement: 120 Vac
Cabinet: Painted 14 gauge steel; NEMA 12 is standard; size is application-dependent (NEMA 4 stainless steel or fiberglass optional)
Area Classification: Class I, Division 2 Groups C, D
Compliant With: NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556, API 14C, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004, IEC 61508, & ISA/IEC 61511

Siemens BMS/CCS 1300
Developed around the Siemens SIMATIC S7-300F Safety PLC, the 1300-Series Combustion Management Solution offers a cost-effective, safe solution for integrated Burner Management Systems (BMS) and Combustion Control Systems (CCS) uses.
With pre-configured software and a simple touchscreen HMI, the system is easy to install and to use. Our customers enjoy a number of benefits from this totally integrated solution.
BMS is designed to meet FM 7605, IEC 61508, ISA/IEC 61511, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01, NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556 and/or API 14C requirements for single-burner, dual-fuel combustion safeguard applications
BMS is capable of meeting SIS requirements up to SIL 3
Advanced CCS firing logic is easily configured to implement a variety of fuel-saving optimization techniques that will reduce the cost of ownership while helping protect the safety of employees and the environment
Interface capability to a wide variety of field sensors, analyzers, and valves
Communication between combustion control systems or DCS via hardwired I/O, Profibus, Ethernet, or Modbus
Designed to facilitate system functional testing
HMI includes graphical display of unit operations including alarming, tuning, and diagnostic displays
Master Fuel Trip (MFT) hand switch mounted on cabinet front with remote MFT option
Touchscreen HMI with automated local light-off (optional from a remote location)
Preconfigured software, including customization for each application requirement
Optional System Features
Analog or discrete process instrumentation
Free-standing or wall mount cabinets
Redundant and/or distributed I/O
Classified area enclosure designs
Local & remote alarm monitoring
Fuel control valves
Air damper controls
Interfaces with remote I/O, VF drives, and motor controls using profibus
System Specifications
CCS 1300
Processor: Siemens S7-300 processors
I/O: Siemens SM321 DI
Siemens SM322 DO
Siemens SM332 AI
Siemens SM332 AO
BMS 1300
Processor: Siemens S7-300F processors
I/O: Siemens SM326F DI
Siemens SM326F DO
Siemens SM336F AI
HMI: Siemens MP377 12″ or 15″ touchpad and/or Siemens distributed HMI solution. Larger screens available.
Power Requirement: 120 Vac
Cabinet: Painted 14 gauge steel; NEMA 12 is standard; size is application-dependent (NEMA 4 stainless steel or fiberglass optional)
Area Classification: Class I, Division 2 Groups C, D
Compliant With: NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556, API 14C, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004, IEC 61508, & ISA/IEC 61511
Rockwell CMS 5500

Developed around the Rockwell ControlLogix platform, the Combustion Management Systems (CMS) 5500 offers a cost effective, safe solution for an integrated Burner Management Systems (BMS) and Combustion Control Systems (CCS) package.
With pre-configured software and a simple touchscreen HMI, the system is easy to install and use. The system is easily adaptable to accommodate many different equipment configurations and options.
BMS is designed to meet FM 7605, IEC 61508, ISA/IEC 61511, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01, NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556 and/or API 14C requirements for single burner, dual-fuel combustion safeguard applications
Standard BMS is capable of meeting SIS requirements up to SIL 2 (SIL 3 option is available with GuardLogix)
Advanced CCS firing logic is easily configured to implement a variety of fuel-saving optimization techniques that will reduce the cost of ownership while helping protect the safety of employees and the environment
Interface capability to a wide variety of field sensors, analyzers, and valves
Communication between combustion control systems or DCS via hardwired I/O, Profibus, Ethernet, or Modbus
Designed to facilitate system functional testing
Touchscreen HMI includes graphical displays for unit operations, automated light-off, first-out alarming, tuning, and diagnostics screens
Master Fuel Trip (MFT) hand switch mounted on cabinet front with remote MFT option
Preconfigured software, including customization for each application requirement
Optional System Features
SI-BMS™ and CCS implemented as independent protection layers for added safety
Remote burner light-off and alarm monitoring
Multiple burner, multiple fuel applications
Analog or discrete process instrumentation
Redundant processors
Redundant and/or distributed I/O
Free-standing or wall-mounted cabinets
Classified area enclosure designs
Interfaces with remote I/O, VF drives, and motor controls using Ethernet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, HART or serial communications protocols
Unit Operations
aeSolutions has experience in applying advanced burner management and combustion controls to the following typical unit operations:
TEG reboilers
Glycol heaters
Process heaters
Furnaces and kilns
Incinerators and thermal oxidizers
Other process and utility fired heaters
System Specifications
Processor: Rockwell ControlLogix 1756-L6X series processors
I/O: 120 VAC or 24 VDC digital I/O, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, +10 VDC analog I/O
Diagnostic I/O cards (optional)
HMI: PanelView Plus 6 series
Power Req.: 120 VAC
Cabinet: Painted 14 gauge steel; NEMA 12 is standard; enclosure size is application-dependent (NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X stainless steel or fiberglass optional)
Area Class.: Class I, Division 2 Groups C, D
Compliant With: NFPA 85, NFPA 86, NFPA 87, API 556, API 14C, ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004, IEC 61508, & ISA/IEC 61511
Certifications: FM-Approved SIL 2 SI-BMS

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