Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
aeSolutions is driven by our Mission: To improve industry by guiding our clients to increasingly resilient operations and safer communities. This requires recognizing that our success is linked to the success of our communities, and that we have a responsibility to act to strengthen those communities.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy is built on four pillars: Ethics, Compliance, Environmental Impact, and Charitable Support.
aeSolutions’ success depends on its reputation, a reputation built on principles of personal integrity, fair dealing, and ethical conduct. We expect every employee to abide by certain rules of conduct, based on honesty, common sense, and fairness. These principals are, in turn, incorporated into our training and our internal policies and practices.
aeSolutions will comply with the letter, spirit, and intent of all applicable laws and regulations. Its directors, officers, and employees are expected to conduct business in a principled manner and to refrain from illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct. Additionally, we commit to providing compliance expertise to our clients and partners to enable them to sustainably own, operate and maintain their process facilities while meeting their legal and regulatory obligations.
Sustainability Policy
aeSolutions is committed to a sustainable future. We strive to make measurable, meaningful improvements in our business, building, and people operations to limit our environmental impact while incorporating sustainability practices throughout our organization, and inspiring and empowering our employees, clients, and partners to do the same.
Environmental Impact
aeSolutions strives to make measurable, meaningful improvements in our business operations to limit our environmental impact. Whether converting our facilities to energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems or introducing recycling programs and eliminating single-use kitchen use products, we are aware that small changes can lead to significant impacts. Additionally, our consulting and engineering services help our clients minimize their use of raw materials and combustion fuels to meet their own energy management goals through the optimization of their combustion and process control systems.
Charitable Support
aeSolutions is committed to providing community support and charitable contributions that make a difference for our Team members, their families, our clients and the communities in which we live and work. We invest in community projects that deliver measurable results for sustainable improvements in the communities in which we have operating locations. aeSolutions focuses the majority of its charitable investments and volunteer efforts in the following areas of commitment:
• Hunger Relief
• Health and Human Services
• Education
• Military
Over the years, our efforts have included providing financial support for high school robotics teams in South Carolina, organizing support for the Special Olympics by sponsoring Polar Plunge teams in Alaska, and holding food and toy drives in Texas. We also sponsor and promote employee volunteerism for local Red Cross blood drives, Meals on Wheels delivery of food to the homebound, and an annual United Way community day of service. Our Charitable Contributions Guidelines encourage employees to raise up causes that are meaningful for them, and we direct our efforts where our involvement will have an impact.
Through our focus on Ethics, Compliance, Environmental Impact, and Charitable Support, aeSolutions contributes to the safety and resilience of our communities. In meeting our corporate social responsibilities, we strengthen these communities and set the stage for our continued success.