PROCESS SAFETYLOPA Independent Protection Layers- Common Pitfalls in IPL SelectionThose who work in high hazard industries are familiar with the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) requirements for routine Process...
WHITEPAPERSStopping the Swirl: Facilitation Tools that Improve PHA Results and EfficiencyEffective Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) facilitators combine soft skills with technical knowledge to guide PHA teams through a thorough iden
PROCESS SAFETYHow About a Stage Zero Functional Safety Assessment (FSA)?Inspired by “Conducting an Effective Functional Safety Assessment” presented at 2019 ISA PIC 2019—Process Industry Conference. by Greg...
FIRED EQUIPMENT/COMBUSTIONStrategy for Consistency in Design of Burner Management SystemsEveryone wants to provide a safe atmosphere for workers, facilities and the surrounding environment. The greatest risk in many process...
PROCESS SAFETYTest the Integrity of your Process Safety Program with a Drill Down AuditA hazard scenario-based, drill-down audit can uncover systematic issues brewing beneath the surface not often uncovered from a...
FIRED EQUIPMENT/COMBUSTIONSignificant Financial Benefits of Proper Front End Loading on a Burner Management System ProjectThe CII defines a front end loading package for a capital facility as “the process of developing sufficient strategic information for owners