“Fit for Purpose” Solution Reduces Planned Downtime by 66%
aeSolutions’ hybrid safety system design enabled the client to maintain safe continuity of their fired equipment, meet NFPA compliance, and significantly lower planned downtime.
Several challenges related to strict National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements arose as part of our client’s multi-stream waste incinerator’s annual leak testing. Any solutions would include navigating between NFPA-compliant and SIS-based systems and could lead to loss of revenue associated with destabilizing shutdowns, the likelihood of spurious trips, and planned downtime.
aeSolutions’ team of engineers and subject matter experts customized a “Fit for Purpose” engineering and equivalent risk-reduction solution that would meet or exceed NFPA codes as well as engaged the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for approval of this customized approach. Among other efforts, our experts performed detailed configuration and integration of the client’s new Triconex process safety system with their existing DCS (distributed control system).
Our approach enabled the client to select a hybrid, compliance/risk-based solution. aeSolutions identified and engaged the AHJ for approval of this customized approach, which proved to:
• Implement compliance solutions that encourage system-wide risk reduction
• Sustain reliability and availability of equipment to maintain operations
• Increase leak test intervals with online testing reducing planned downtime by 66%
Industry: Chemicals
Geography: Gulf Coast
Unit Operation: Thermal Oxidizer
Governing: NFPA 86
Take a look at our Success Stories page for more ways aeSolutions has helped our clients.