A natural gas processing and compression facility control rooms had to relocate, which caused many challenges in an application with many potential hazards during the process. Project included control panel upgrades, communication digitalization and moving process control and process safety systems.
Control room relocation insights
Control room, process control system migration project challenges
E-stop migration, process isolation safety complications
Project lessons learned: System integration project management
Six steps for project success included control system, safety system cutover, factory acceptance test, control panel upgrade
Project results: Project management, standardization, control panels
Lessons for future projects: Front-end loading, codes and standards
by Ted Hoffman, PE, senior project development engineer; Charles Mills, automation control specialist, both with aeSolutions. Edited by Chris Vavra, web content manager, CFE Media and Technology.
Read the full article here: Achieving on-stream control room relocations (controleng.com)